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Are you tired of searching for help for your dyslexic child?
This book, written by the mother of a child with dyslexia, is packed with valuable resources and is easy to read. It covers reading, spelling and dyslexia-related issues.
Learn the secrets to success with dyslexia from a 20-year study on living with learning difficulties and read inspirational stories of famous people who found school difficult but achieved great things.
Recommended by
Dyslexia Assessor Craig Keane, Director of Develop Us in Wales. "I'm a specialist dyslexia assessor and teacher. I was looking for a book to recommend to parents of children I assess and teach. I wasn't expecting to learn much from the book because I'm a specialist in this field. I was wrong! Beth presents interesting statistics about dyslexia and how it can impact people in society. She explores different ways you can explain dyslexia to anyone of any age using the octopus theory! I highly recommend this book to parents, teachers, specialists and anyone who would like to educate themselves about dyslexia!"
Dyslexia Tutor Katharine Beaumont, B.Ed.Sc.Dip.Tchg.CAT. "This book was like turning a light on for me. I've worked in the field of learning disabilities for years, and yet it has taught me so much. It's full of humour, help, humility and hope."
Anni, Amazon USA reviewer. "While reading this book, I have several Ah ha! moments, that explain my child's behavior. The book made me feel I had confided all my concerns to her, and she gave me answers. I read articles, research papers and other books, but none have really explained to me so well the many whys? and what I need to know about my child. This book helped me not just understand but strategize to get better results out of my child without draining a lot of energy."
Buy today and tackle the dyslexia octopus.
When printed, this book is 234 pages.